Mohamed Sherief
2018-11-06 01:51:02 UTC
Hi Crypto++ Users,
I obtained the latest release of Crypto++ 7.0 from
I was able to compile it using Visual Studio 2017, and generate
cryptlib.lib for static linking, and it works properly. The release version
size is 36,805 KB with the following optimization options:
- No Whole Program Optimization.
- Favor Size /O1
- Savor small code /Os
- Complete command options: "/Yu"pch.h" /GS /W4 /wd"4231" /wd"4251"
/wd"4275" /wd"4355" /wd"4505" /Gy /Zc:wchar_t /Zi /Gm- /O1 /Ob2
/Fd"x64\cryptlib\Release\cryptlib.pdb" /Zc:inline /fp:precise /D "NDEBUG"
/D "USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS" /errorReport:none /GF /WX- /Zc:forScope /Gd
/Oy /Oi /MT /FC /Fa"x64\cryptlib\Release\" /EHsc /nologo
/Fo"x64\cryptlib\Release\" /Os /Fp"x64\cryptlib\Release\cryptlib.pch"
I am interested in AES encryption/decryption only, and the size +36 MB is
very big relative to the limited functionality that I am interested in. My
questions are:
- Do you suggest any changes to my build command for smaller size?
- Is it possible to exclude the functionalities that I am not interested
in, and keep AES only for having a smaller size?
I obtained the latest release of Crypto++ 7.0 from
I was able to compile it using Visual Studio 2017, and generate
cryptlib.lib for static linking, and it works properly. The release version
size is 36,805 KB with the following optimization options:
- No Whole Program Optimization.
- Favor Size /O1
- Savor small code /Os
- Complete command options: "/Yu"pch.h" /GS /W4 /wd"4231" /wd"4251"
/wd"4275" /wd"4355" /wd"4505" /Gy /Zc:wchar_t /Zi /Gm- /O1 /Ob2
/Fd"x64\cryptlib\Release\cryptlib.pdb" /Zc:inline /fp:precise /D "NDEBUG"
/D "USE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS" /errorReport:none /GF /WX- /Zc:forScope /Gd
/Oy /Oi /MT /FC /Fa"x64\cryptlib\Release\" /EHsc /nologo
/Fo"x64\cryptlib\Release\" /Os /Fp"x64\cryptlib\Release\cryptlib.pch"
I am interested in AES encryption/decryption only, and the size +36 MB is
very big relative to the limited functionality that I am interested in. My
questions are:
- Do you suggest any changes to my build command for smaller size?
- Is it possible to exclude the functionalities that I am not interested
in, and keep AES only for having a smaller size?
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